Our Books


Writers rule at Pilot Hill Press

 Michael Kanaly brought readers a scary release - his bone-chilling "New Eyes" 


Kevin Roberts keeps sailing  - with "Flashers And Hoochies

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New Eyes - Fall Release
Pilot Hill Press 

This press was founded by William Gough & Caren Moon.  
PHP was created for Writers. They made their own decisions because Pilot Hill Press is a  "Writers First" press. 

A Psychotherapist, Caren Moon also works as a creator-writer of television & film, ranging from off-beat comedies to mysteries and dramas. 

As well, she's developing series and a Movie for production in BC. Drawing on her Criminology background, she co-created "Outport Murders" 


Can't begin to say how much we miss Kevin Roberts & his books.

It was always a treat to see the arriving pages, and work with him to create these books to be carried around, read often, and emulated. 

If you dream it - follow it. Look at where Kevin's curiosity and honesty with himself and his world did take him.  If you don't have his books, we can provide them and the treat they'll bring to you.

As long as we all keep his stories in the world, Kevin will keep creating his yarns. That's why we love having readers, this is a relay race, and every book keeps running as long as it's still being read.  Love how he saw and heard the world.

Thanks always Kevin!!!!


Donations in his memory can be made to the Kevin Roberts Poetry Award by cheque or cash at the event, or via this link - https://giving.viu.ca/give-now (note: please make sure to click “other” and type in “Kevin Roberts Poetry Award”). All donations are tax-deductible.

From Pilot Hill Press. 

"Thank you Kevin for all your wonderful work, and approach - we're grateful to have your books out in the world

Bill has written a poem about Kevin, and we'll attach a copy of that in PDF format for you all. Just click our link for your PDF.


Pilot Hill Press samples the joy of exploring  life. And the timing is perfect.  We recall how wondrous was a world when we all could wander - even poets. We're sending this book into the world to remember what it was like when we could explore, and ramble. Well,  Kevin Roberts did that - so he now helps us make a perfect choice for time travel, where...

...It's 1966 and Kevin Roberts is flying to the Village of Pouce Coupe a small town in Northern BC. He's got a teaching job - but what he doesn't realize is that he's also there to learn - and it's what he learns is what makes this book arrive for us in 2021.

.Our authors get to time travel and we all get to join them.  

Pilot Hill Press is for writers & their power. I do not work as an ersatz filter.  They're the writers & that's why each of them is the hub of a publishing wheel, and the wheel turns about the real hub of the world ..



Kevin Roberts


        “Heartfelt and inspiring…

          A knockout book!”


When you look at Michael Kanaly's heart-felt new book, you'll notice "Or How My Great Dane learned to talk to me"  & that's a simple fact. Author and Dog learned to have their own conversations. If you've every wondered what dogs might say if you learned to talk with them - this is your book.

It is amazing in such a time as this - to see so many families wrestling their ways past the isolation of such times, and coming up with a great solution. They got a dog :)  

And every one of you who have done this, now knows how very much a dog knows and is able to pitch in. I suggest that you get and read Kanaly's book.  We also love dogs :) Here's a suggestion you might like hearing:  let us know when you got your dog, and, how you feel it helps having your dog as part of your family in such times, and we'll reduce the price of purchase.

Kanaly has written a magical work where Dogs & Humans learn to talk and ramble together - the true magic of everyday life.  Michael and his dog figure how to speak to each other - for real. Not only is it a wonderful book, but it will give you more ideas about how to communicate with your pet.

This book is needed in such a time.

Get "Dog Tails" - here:

'Dog Tails And Other Oddities (or how my Great Dane learned to talk to me) ' is the amazing true story of the deep bond between a man and his beloved companion.  Author Michael Kanaly and his dog, Duke, formed an attachment that bordered on the supernatural.

Coupled with antidotes of other, only slightly less incredible pets, sprinkled with insights into the writing life, DOG TAILS is sure to delight dog lovers and readers everywhere. 

We know what amazing places that Michael Kanaly takes us to visit. This one is about really listening to what your dog has to tell you. Crack the code, understand their story-telling, and you suddenly know how dogs understand the world, and what they have to say.about it.You'll never forget meeting this critter.

From Pilot Hill Press: "Heartfelt and inspiring... A powerful little book. Like a Lightning Bolt in a midnight sky!"

Coupled with antidotes of other, only slightly less incredible pets, sprinkled with insights into the writing life, DOG TAILS is sure to delight dog lovers and readers everywhere.

Here's an excellent link to Kevin's books & brought back memories of that launch and the fun of working with Kevin as it developed.

.Check out all his books, Just click this link:


Michael Kanaly's new Book - takes us into the disturbing vision of NEW EYES  

  A Powerful & Disturbing new novel from Michael Kanaly.  

Criminal Minds meets Ancient Aliens in a chilling tale of murder and mayhem.

  Acclaimed author, Michael Kanaly, in his latest novel,    NEW EYES, looks into the heart of humanity…our past, present, and future…seeking answers to who and what we are.

NEW EYES is a page-turning, genuinely frightening book. Nobody writes serial killers like Michael Kanaly does. 

Get ready for what he's doing in tuning his second edition.

Flashers & Hoochies
Kevin Roberts

In the 70's version of BC, a poet with long hair (and a tough attitude) decides to enter the Commercial Salmon Fishery & encounters some 'real' fishermen who assure him that his boat will sink the first time out... 

...and that's only the start. As soon as we start reading a book, the authors get to tell their stories again.  Every writer needs your dreams to make a book continue to exist.  We are, really, all of us, living to share our true dreams.
We love books.

I like keeping things in memory & so,  remember what a treat it was to hear Kevin Roberts, with his sons Jon & Anthony reading from Flashers & Hoochies.  

The combo was a delight - as is his book.  Now here's a link from coverage of the launch.


Click the next link for your bonus short story from Kevin Roberts - from the same world as "Flashers And Hoochies"

Click this link to read a Kevin Roberts' free Short Story

Both Michael Kanaly, who lives in New York State, and Kevin Roberts, who came to Canada via Australia, reflect an international approach.  They each bring their own world-view. This kind of publishing entity... has each writer at the hub of their own distinct wheel. PHP know that writers drive the Chariot.

Behind each of these books is a simple principle. The writers dream of whatever book they want to write. Each book needed the author's passion.  This press is designed by writers for writers and readers. We need every single one of the readers of each book.  Without the reader, there is no book. 

PHP readers love the heft of a book; the way it fits in a pocket or a backpack. They all imagine the look of books on window ledges of small cabins; in high rise buildings, on buses, on subways. And we also love the pixels yarning & weaving stories thru a lit screen. May these books be carried around the world like lanterns - each holding a necessary spark. 

Going Global

One Book At A Time